Making your event more accessible for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing
12 September 2024
Not sure what the difference is between captions, live transcribing, assistive listening devices and Auslan? We’ve got you covered. We explore the different types of communication tools you can consider using to make your event more accessible for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
Meet the people behind our passion: Mikayla
9 September 2024
Each month we introduce you to a member of our team so you can learn more about the people behind the passion and what makes them proud to be part of the work we do. This month we’d like you to meet Mikayla.
The role of therapy animals in social development
19 August 2024
Therapy animals can provide a calm environment where children feel safe to explore without judgement. We spoke to Judy who works in educational settings alongside her spoodle called George.
Meet the people behind our passion: Shannon
19 August 2024
Each month we introduce you to a member of our team so you can learn more about the people behind the passion and what makes them proud to be part of the work we do. This month we’d like you to meet Shannon.
Art-making as a way to understand the complex relationship between youth, self-expression and crime
4 July 2024
Mark making is the creation of lines, dots, patterns, or textures. It is a common art practice that allows someone to explore their emotions in an expressive way.
Our graphic designer, Savanah, shares with us her exploration of young people, neurodivergence and graffiti through her honours design project.