Safe Care Victoria - Duty of Candour resources

We edited a set of patient resources into plain language to help explain the Duty of Candour process. From Safer Care Victoria, the resources inform people about their rights if they experience harm while under the care of a health service. This includes their right to an apology and an explanation.

We worked on 3 resources:

  • a document answering frequently asked questions about patient rights and the Duty of Candour process
  • a flyer summarising patient rights and the 3 stages of the process
  • a poster highlighting key points.

The project involved explaining Duty of Candour in plain language, while still being precise and consistent. The edited content also needed to fit within the set design of the documents. We were able to achieve these goals with careful, pragmatic editing choices and close work with the client to refine the text.

We are proud this work helps to provide the community with accessible information about this important process.

You can find the resources on the Safer Care Victoria website. They are also available in several other languages.

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