National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025

The Department of Social Services (DSS) funds general disability advocacy support through the National Disability Advocacy Program. Earlier this year, DSS released the new National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023–2025 (NDAF) and Disability Advocacy Work Plan (Work Plan) following public consultation. The NDAF and Work Plan will help governments work together to make advocacy services better.
DSS is committed to providing information about disability advocacy in the most accessible way possible. We were excited to work with them to convert a suite of communication materials around the NDAF and Work Plan into accessible formats. This project also gave us the opportunity to engage with two of our trusted suppliers who provide outstanding Auslan and language translation services.
Our editorial and design teams worked in unison to develop Easy Read translations of 5 documents in the suite including the NDAF, Work Plan, research report, factsheet and guide.
We made sure the suite of products met the Australian Government’s web accessibility requirements, including providing the Easy Read translations as both accessible PDF and word-only formats.
We employed high level, robust project management to make sure we delivered the products and enabled DSS to achieve their commitment to accessibility. The outcome is a suite of accessible communication products that will make sure information about disability advocacy is available to people with disability, their family and carers in our community.