Marketing advice to get parents and employers behind My Skills and VET

In July 2018, we completed a large communications project for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (AGDET). AGDET wanted to raise the profile and benefits of vocational and education training (VET) to parents and employers. To achieve this, we teamed up with Eleven Strategic Communications and developed platforms and tools to more effectively implement their national VET strategy. These included:

  • an earned media strategy, including a digital marketing pack for government and an information pack for Ministers, members of parliament and Senators
  • a media kit for VET Alumni
  • a website strategy for, including accessibility recommendations
  • a digital engagement strategy for employers
  • a financial year print calendar using the real skills for real careers branding
  • an events plan detailing what events to take part in to engage with parents and employers
  • a 12-month newsletter plan and the ongoing production of monthly newsletters to share the latest news with employers.

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