Victoria Police Community Sentiments Survey

We worked closely with Victoria Police to produce the first Easy Read version of their community sentiments survey. This is an important step in supporting the police to include the ideas and safety concerns of diverse communities across Victoria.

We focused on the useability of the survey at all points of the project. This involved careful editing of the text to be simple and concise and to retain the same meaning as the original survey. We also took a user-centred approach to the design.

We built the survey from the ground up, instead of using a third-party survey platform, to make sure it could accommodate accessibility requirements. We were also able to address accessibility challenges, including the survey’s length and layout, by adopting an HTML format.

Consideration of these challenges and user needs shaped the final Easy Read survey and allows Victoria Police to engage a wider range of respondents.

The survey has now closed. You can view the accessible PDF version of the Easy Read survey on the Victoria Police website.

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