Medicare Urgent Care Clinics campaign

It’s important for everyone to be able to access medical treatment when they need it. That’s why we were thrilled to work with the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) on a poster and fact sheet about Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.

Medicare Urgent Care Clinics are places anyone can go to get medical care if they’re sick or hurt and need treatment as soon as possible but it’s not life-threatening. The clinics are free for everyone. You also don’t need to make an appointment to go.

Our editorial and studio teams worked together to think creatively about the unique form of an Easy Read poster and how to structure the information and images clearly and logically on a single A3 page. We used elements like callout boxes and columns to draw the reader’s attention to what they need to know without it being overwhelming.

DoHAC consulted with approximately 140 stakeholders on the Easy Read resources. The stakeholders gave positive feedback on our use of images and the effectiveness of the poster. They also appreciated the resources being created in a timely manner.

Using the poster and print-ready formats for the Easy Read fact sheet creates an element of immediacy and means people will be able to see this information straight away in public spaces. We hope that by making this information accessible, more people will be able to get the treatment they need, when they need it.

You can find the Easy Read versions of the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic poster and fact sheet on the DoHAC website.

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