Easy Read benefits many people. This format uses images and simple language to present information in a clear, visual way. Publishing content in Easy Read will make it accessible to a wider audience, including people with disability, First Nations peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and people with low levels of literacy.Two people reading a tablet together

We’re wired for it

The use of images in Easy Read documents allows readers to:

  • process information faster
  • remember it better.

We can process information from an image in one go but we look at text letter by letter (Smiciklas, 2012). Easy Read involves clear connections between images and text to strengthen the message. It reduces the time it takes to read content by highlighting key facts and images. This lets our brains work at a higher capacity, and remember information longer (Diamond, 2013).

White space and large font size are key features of Easy Read. White space allows information to appear clean and uncluttered. Large font size reduces eye fatigue and can also improve engagement with your content. People are more likely to feel comfortable reading the entire document.

An inclusive language

Images can show ideas in a way that everyone can understand. Using images that include people of all ages and backgrounds, is more representative of our diverse community and helps people identify with your content. It can build bridges between your audience and your brand or message.

Everyone has a right to access and understand information that is relevant to their lives but Australians with disability can feel excluded if information isn’t accessible (AIHF, 2020). Easy Read allows you to communicate with more people in your audience.