Easy Read web content for Monash University

My Allied Health Space is a new website with a range of sources and information about allied health. It aims to support the Allied health capability framework: disability and complex support needs and provides accessible information about allied health to the wider community, specifically people with disability and complex support needs.

We worked with Monash University to convert much of the web content into Easy Read. We suggested having an Easy Read toggle button on the website, which allows users to seamlessly transition between the standard and Easy Read content.

We also helped Monash University create three Easy Read checklists to help those who are thinking about engaging allied health workers. These checklists will help people understand:

  • what funding they have in their NDIS plan
  • what questions to ask when they make an appointment with an allied health worker
  • if the allied health worker can meet their needs. 

Check out the new My Allied Health Space website today.

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