cover of the "Have your say on the Terms of Reference Easy Read version" document

The Australian Government has announced the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. The Commission will focus on what governments, institutions and the community should be doing to respond to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation and to stop it from happening in the first place.

The first step in setting up the Royal Commission is to work out its Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference will decide what the Royal Commission will cover and investigate.

It’s important that people with disability, their families and carers can have input into the Terms of Reference. To make sure this happens, the draft Terms of Reference, and a survey asking for the opinions of people with disability and their supporters, is now on the website. The survey will allow you to tell the government what is important to you and what you want included in the Royal Commission.

An Easy Read version of the draft Terms of Reference is available. We are pleased to have worked on this project, knowing that people with intellectual disability can also have a clear understanding of what the commission will cover and how they can have their say.

The survey opened on 13 March. You can ask for help to fill out the survey by calling 1800 464 800.

You can find the Easy Read Terms of Reference and the survey on